Sunday, August 1, 2010

Day 47: Brush-a, Brush-a, Brush-a

There are some things about my life that I probably should not share. But, I figure that even though some of these changes are real no-brainers, even insignificant to most people, they are pretty huge in my average day. Take my hairbrush, for example. Yes, really.

Several years ago my mom happened to see my hairbrush, for whatever reason, and I vividly recall her reaction: “Oh my goodness, Lori, don’t you EVER clean your brush?!!!!”


I never really thought about it before, but apparently, my mom grew up cleaning her hairbrush on a regular basis. To this day her hairbrush looks as good as it did on the wall of the store. Let's just say mine does NOT look that good. I just always figured when the brush got too funky, then it was time to buy a new one.  To clarify, yes, I do pull excess hair from my brush when the mood strikes me. I just haven’t made it, you know, a habit.

Which is probably why the act of cleaning my round rolly-brush the other day was nothing short of IronMan training.

So, in the interest of healthier living, I’ll be cleaning my hairbrushes more regularly. I mean, it’s the least I can do, right?


  1. How does one clean a hair brush? With soap and water?

  2. Extremely hot water alone seemed to work. And I also had to scrub it with another brush. I guess that's all there is to it. It took quite a while, though.

  3. Use your shampoo and another brush to scrub, cleans two brushes at once. No need to rinse and repeat.
