Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Day 50: Can You Believe It’s Been Fifty Days???

If someone had told me a year ago – heck, even four months ago – that I would be making all these lifestyle changes and sharing my successes and non-successes in this mission on the Internet I would have said no freakin’ way. And yet, here I am. It’s funny how things work out, isn’t it?

In February I put myself on a “diet” with the goal of ousting the last pounds of baby fat, plus the extra pounds I found as my children grew. I had no idea that the discipline I inflicted on myself for that endeavor would come in so handy for this one. And I am constantly amazed at what I hear about other people’s experiences in the transition to a healthier lifestyle. I am thrilled beyond belief at the changes I see friends and family making on their own, and it tickles me to learn with them a few more ways to live just a little bit better. To all of you who have made a change in your lives – no matter how big or small – thank you for sharing them with me.

This transformation process is a challenge, to say the least. I am grateful for the not-so-exciting changes like cleaning the hairbrush and removing the junk from the passenger seat of my car each day. Those tasks give me a little more control over something simple, and the reward is instantaneous. The larger challenges, the desire to eat more organic foods for example, while totally worthwhile, are a tad more daunting. Where in all of Shreveport can I find organic rump roast and flank steak? For a price I can afford? And how much energy is reasonable to put into such a search?

I’ll offer just a brief rundown of the successes and near-misses that stand out the most for me:

SUCCESS: I actually found a natural (partially organic) sunless tanner. Voila!! Life is SO good! It’s by Lavera, it’s sold at Target, it’s $20, and it has so far lasted more than a month with only half the bottle empty right now.

NEAR-MISS: I have not gotten to talk to the Mary Kay people yet. They gave me a phone number to call. Keep wishing me luck.

SUCCESS: This weekend’s grocery run resulted in a totally natural and organic basket of goods, including an organic Strawberry Milk box for Aaron. He is on Cloud Nine.

NEAR-MISS: I am doing really well at driving the speed limit, but I occasionally still catch myself going 5 miles over.

SUCCESS: I have risen from the bed ON TIME EACH DAY since Day 1 when I renounced the snooze button and changed my evil ways!

NEAR-MISS: I am still a work-in-progress on the whole breakfast idea.

SUCCESS: One cup of coffee per day has not killed me.

NEAR-MISS: My organic eyeliner runs. I’m back to using the old one, and still on the hunt for a better product.

SUCCESS: I am learning to let myself off the hook for not completing my chores as promised. I am learning instead to be grateful for the extra time with my children as they insist on teaching me about Pokemon characters.

NEAR-MISS: My chemical-free vegetable-based hair color is way too dark. I should be happy that it gave me back my 19-year-old hair, but even at 19 I wanted lighter hair. However, even though it is not my preference, I do not look awful with my hair this dark, seeing as how God planned it that way and all.

SUCCESS: I make eye-contact with more individuals that I pass in stores, parking lots, etc. And I smile at them. Amazingly, they smile back and usually offer a greeting. People aren’t so darn bad after all. ;)

All in all, life is good, and this journey is worth it. Thanks for traveling along. :)

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud and impressed with you! Thank you for inspiring me to make the changes I need to in my life. And I am super impressed with the no more snooze button!
