I love a good play on words. Sometimes deciding on a title for my post is more fun than the actual change I am writing about. It’s a perk of sorts…lagniappe…the sprinkles on the chocolate cupcake. Alright, alright…on with it already…
Dom announced last summer that he wanted to get all his accounting credits to sit for the CPA exam. A wonderfully driven and completely pertinent idea, I thought, given that he works at an accounting firm. The kicker was when he said he wanted me to do it with him. After I stopped laughing and listened to what he had to say about it, I was pretty much sold on the idea. One of my biggest regrets has been dropping the accounting minor from my undergrad studies. THAT was one dumb move.
So we gathered our resources, met with a college advisor to determine what hours we lacked, and enrolled in distance learning classes at LSU. We had to re-take Accounting 101 because I was a COMPLETE FRESHMAN DORK WHO SKIPPED THE LAST TWO WEEKS OF 101 and landed myself on the professor’s proverbial S***-List back in 1990. A move like that can drop you from a B to a D very fast, regardless of your test scores. Trust me.
So, we got all enrolled and ready to study and learn, and then bam! I got shingles and didn’t feel like standing upright, much less studying accounting. Then fall turned to winter, we had all the holidays, then the new year, then spring, and before we knew it our time in the class was up. Ahhhhhh, but there is that beautiful extension option whereby you can pay more money and take more time. Lovely concept. And, you can extend your enrollment TWICE.
Which we have now done.
Our deadline – our final deadline – is fast approaching, and we have got some ‘splainin’ to do!! We now have a study schedule all planned out, and we are ready to take our first test next week. (Wish us luck. I haven’t taken a test in fifteen years!!)
So, add a more serious attitude toward my own professional development to my list of healthy changes. With any luck, I will be able to report my final grade very soon.
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