Yesterday while I was sitting at a red light, I saw a man walking down his driveway to get the morning paper. There did not appear to be anything physically wrong with the guy, but when he reached for the paper on the ground, it took him a moment to really reach it. It looked like his back or his knees were stopping him, and it took every ounce of energy he had to reach the paper on the ground via some half-squatting-barely-bent maneuver. He appeared to be about middle age, which I believe is too young to not be able to bend. I wanted so badly to roll down my window and say, “We just need to get the toxins out of your muscles and you’ll be able to bend better!”
NOT that it was any of my business.
Of course you know my window stayed up, and I drove on with the turning of the light. But I thought about this guy all day long, wishing he knew what I have been learning about the crap we eat and how it affects our overall health. But would he care? Maybe not.
But maybe?
So this change, while focused mostly in my home and concentrated on the four humans who reside here, is no longer just about me. I read a friend’s online dilemma with baby eczema, and I chimed in about the chemicals in our body products. I didn’t want to shove it down his throat, but I felt so strongly that the baby would not be having eczema outbreaks if they switched to natural products. My grandma talked about how her allergies have multiplied, and I recalled BachelorGirl’s comment on Day 44 where she relayed information shared by a naturopathic physician that allergies are results of our systems being out of whack. I can see it! I really can!!
I’m feeling a restlessness within. I am more and more compelled to share what I learn. But lifestyles and habits are sensitive subjects, and I always want to respect people’s space and opinions. I am tempering my desire to shout from the rooftops and skywrite messages to the world. So, I’m channeling Bill Murray from the end of Scrooged. Really, while you imagine me standing there spouting these lines, wild-eyed and with hair all askew, think about these movie lines in terms of making better choices for our bodies (with apologies to Mitch Glazer and Michael O'Donoghue):
“It can happen every day! You've just got to want that feeling!Anyone else ready? :)
You'll want it every day! It can happen to you!
I believe in it now.
I believe it's gonna happen to me, now. I'm ready for it!
And it's great. It's a good feeling.
It's better than I've felt in a long time.
I'm ready.”