Thursday, July 22, 2010

Day 38: Empowering YOU

I suppose the biggest transformation so far lies in the fact that I am now oddly comfortable with airing my laundry list of habits and dependencies. I mean, heck, I’ve brought you right on in to my mousse-dependent, lip gloss-toting, sunless-tanning world, and surprisingly I haven’t been embarrassed about any of it. I have a lot of stuff to change over here at home, and I imagine if you’ve read more than one post and you’re still with me, then you must not think I’m too crazy. Or, you do think I’m crazy, and this is just a way to pass the time waiting on some good spam. Either way, there’s a small chance that something I say will make other people think, and that might just lead to a positive change in someone else’s life. What more could I possibly ask for?

Maggie shared this video with me yesterday, and I just HAVE to share it with you. The Story of Cosmetics: The Ugly Truth of “Toxics In, Toxics Out.” This is a great clip that gives the viewer of any age a little more understanding of how and why we are in this toxic chemical-dependent boat in the first place. I LOVE that the narrator comments on all the beauty products for their toxicity, and follows it up with the fact that we are further teaching our daughters that true beauty REQUIRES all this crap.

OMG, there are soooooooooooooo many reasons to boycott the chemicals!! I hope you watch the video, I hope you share it with others, and I hope you are empowered to make a difference in your corner of the world.

There are more Story of Stuff videos at their website.  Good information presented in a cute and understandable way.  Check them out, become a member of Wiser Earth...let's make a difference together.

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