Monday, July 19, 2010

Day 35: My Morning Madness

I swear my mornings would run so much more smoothly if I would just decide what I’m going to wear the night before. You know, actually plan my wardrobe. Perhaps then I wouldn’t be standing at the closet in the dark, trying not to wake up Dom, deciding if this belt goes with these pants, and does my butt look too flat? We’ve been doing really well with the laundry. Everything is clean almost all of the time, so my selection is nice and varied. But some mornings it is just an overwhelming decision.

Take today. I intended to wear a dress. Laying in bed at 5:15 in my alarm-responsive fog, I decided a dress would be easy enough. What I didn’t consider was that the only dress I have that isn’t black and that I haven’t worn in a while is just a tad too low-cut for work. And that leaves me without a dress to wear today. So I ended up standing at the closet, in the dark…

I think I’ll try to start a habit of deciding these matters before I go to bed each night. I have successfully done this in the past, and it was a really good thing. So I know how easy it can make a morning. Besides, I make the kids set out their clothes the night before. Shouldn’t I do the same?

1 comment:

  1. I try to line up my clothes on Sunday night for the week. I use mix and match separates - matte jersey skirts, suit capris and nice knit tops from Macy's. I also have four different pairs of shoes I rotate (black mary jane pumps, some black Nine West wedge flip flops, some brown woven nice leather flip fops and some Nine west strappy heels).

    I line them up on the rod in the order I plan to wear them, as I wear each outfit I put it on the end of the rod so I know what I've already worn (freshly laundered if I've worn it on a hot day). It saves so much time and solves the "What to wear" questions!!
