My grandmother has a particular habit she has displayed longer than I have been alive. Before she leaves the house, or goes to bed, her kitchen is spotless. I remember as a child staying up late with her after everyone else had gone to bed, then doing the last few straggling dishes and wiping down the countertops before turning in for the night. When she came to our home weekly for the first year of Aaron’s life, she continued her habit in my kitchen. It’s a little quirk she has – not even running to WalMart before emptying the sink of a solitary glass – but I love it and really want to emulate it.
Our kitchen needs a bedtime. Our kitchen, like most I’m sure, is the center of our home, literally and figuratively. I like that, but I recognize that the poor kitchen needs a break sometimes. I’d like to put the kitchen to bed when we put the kids to bed. 8:00 – no more clutter, no more snacking. Dishes put away, the ingredients for the next day’s breakfast and dinner prepared and ready to use. It will take me some time to get used to doing this – probably more time than I am willing to allot at first, but I’m sure it will get easier as it goes along. If I can prevent myself from coming home or waking up to a sink full of dishes, I will consider this habit a success.
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